Trading On DigiFT
- What is the formula to determine the executed price in an AMM liquidity pool, along with its purpose, benefits, risks, and mitigations?
- How do I place an AMM transaction?
- What types of trading modes are available on our platform?
- How do I place an Over-The-Counter (OTC) order?
- What is a circuit breaker? And how does it affect my orders?
- What are the trading hours?
- Can I participate as a liquidity provider in an AMM Liquidity Pool?
- How do I accept an order in the OTC market?
- How do I initiate an Peer-To-Peer (P2P) transaction?
- Can I cancel an OTC order which I have placed?
- What is Transaction Cut-off Time?
- How can I add to the liquidity pool of a trading pair?
- How can I withdraw from AMM liquidity pool?
- How can I cancel a P2P order that I have initiated?
- A counterparty has initiated a P2P transaction with me. Where do I accept it?
- Where can I view my trade history?